Monday, March 19, 2012


I started this blog I think over a year ago, mostly to get back into the blogging world and to have a record of memories to look back on.  Sadly, I never even wrote one post!  We had a life changing summer and this blog just wasn't high on the list of priorities.  I am so excited to be back...and even more excited for some big upcoming things!

Let me be the first to say, I LOVE being a stay at home Mom.  It is what I always wanted to do, when I dreamed as a little girl, those were my dreams.  Lately though, I've been feeling this little something.  Like I want to do SOMETHING but not knowing what that something is.  I did know that I really didn't want it to interfere with staying at home with Zane, as I am planning on doing K4 with him next year.  And, I wanted it to be something that I loved and was passionate about.

One thing that I love to do, are the consignment sales for getting rid of my kids stuff.  Yes, it is alot of work and time consuming.  BUT, I have learned alot about this market and do really really well at them.  I decided that I would start looking for people who wanted to consign but maybe didn't know where to start or how to price, etc.  Without even really marketing myself, I found 3 people who are very interested in having me help them!  I thought maybe this is an answer to my it's something I can do from home on my time....little did I know, God had even bigger plans for this!

On Saturday, I attended an Organization seminar by Bonni Griener at our church.  I also happen to loooovve organizing (really, loove) so I knew I had to be there.  Well, to make a long story short, Bonni has graciously offered to promote me during her seminars, for consigning or reselling items, or helping people to get organized!  I am soo excited about this opportunity!  I had to come up with a name...I had to get business cards (business cards people!!!!), I had to register a website...I'm off the wall excited!!!  And so...Piles of Fun came into existence!  (because really, piles ARE piles of fun:)  )  Is our God awesome or what?!?  He is turning something that I LOVE to do into a business for me!  And answering my prayers along the way!!  My website will be and there will be a blog up on that as well where I will blog about organizing tips, repurposing things, etc.

Til next time.....